artwork by iushakovsky
Womxn: Branding a Critical Voice
Learning Designs has teamed up with Elizabeth Kole Designs and wordywendy to develop personal brand narratives and collateral with womxn. Together, we offer the services, talent, empathy, and allyship to build and showcase fierce, feminist brands. In a world where it is critical that every womxn’s voice and value be recognized, we commit to using our privilege to act against the systematic silencing of this powerful and dynamic community. #RadWomxn
The most effective leaders have a clearly defined purpose, as well as an acute awareness of their positioning.
We specialize in helping womxn and femmes express both.
Our expert Learning Designers employ a personal branding approach inspired by the Latin phrase Esse Quam Videri or
To Be, Rather Than To Seem. After defining your purpose and position, we’ll create visually stunning brand assets that are true to who you are and what you stand for.
Exterior Views
Visualizing your purpose: who you are at your core
Auditing the space between your purpose and your positioning, digitally and in real life
Collaborating with writers, visual artists, and digital specialists for influence management
Designing top-performing brand collateral (websites, social media, media kits, etc.)
Developing a content strategy to engage stakeholders across platforms
Many of our clients complete the Narrative Identity & Leadership Series before building their personal brand collateral.
Others are ready start creating immediately.
Learning Designs is available to address Personal Branding at public speaking engagements and private meetings.
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